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Helena P. Blavatsky on "the realm of Akasa".


Q. What is meant by prototypes existing in the Astral Light ? (*S.D., Vol. I, p. 63.)


A. Astral Light is here used as a convenient phrase for a term very little understood, viz:

"the realm of Akâsa, or primordial Light manifested through the divine Ideation."

  The latter must be accepted in this particular case as a generic term for the universal

and divine mind reflected in the waters of Space or Chaos, which is the Astral Light

proper, and a mirror reflecting and reversing a higher plane. In the ABSOLUTE or

Divine Thought everything exists and there has been no time when it did not so exist;

but Divine Ideation is limited by the Universal *Manvantaras.


      The realm of Akâsa is the undifferentiated noumenal and abstract Space which will be occupied by Chidakasam, the field of primordial consciousness.  


  Q. And what is the Akâsa proper?


A. The Akâsa is the eternal divine consciousness which cannot differentiate, have qualities, or act; action belongs to that which is reflected or mirrored from it. The unconditioned and infinite can have no relation with the finite and conditioned. The Astral Light is the Middle Heaven of the Gnostics, in which is Sophia Achamoth, the mother of the seven builders or Spirits of the Earth, which are not necessarily good, and among which the Gnostics placed Jehovah, whom they called Ildabaoth. (Sophia Achamoth must not be confounded with the divine Sophia.)


We may compare the Akâsa and the Astral Light, with regard to these prototypes, to the germ in the acorn. The latter, besides containing in itself the astral form of the future oak, conceals the germ from which grows a tree containing millions of forms. These forms are contained in the acorn potentially, yet the development of each particular acorn depends upon extraneous circumstances, physical forces, &c.


Helena P. Blavataskiy: 

 AKASHA is “the subtle supersensuous spiritual essence which pervades all space;

the primordial substance …the Universal Space in which lies inherent the eternal

Ideation of the Universe …and from which radiates the First Logos.”




   Ernesto Ortiz: Ernesto Ortiz is recognized as an inspiring facilitator, teacher and therapist.

His training started at an early age with Shamans and Curanderos in Mexico and South America.


The following 2 quotes are taken from articles posted in 2008 at:  by Mr. Ernesto Ortiz


The Akashic Records, One Sure Constant Thing..                                                   

  "About 10 years ago I was introduced to the Akashic Records. I remembered reading in different sacred scriptures about the Book of Life or the Book of Knowledge, and also about Akasha.

That word “Akasha” captivated me.  It had an energy that took me deep within.   It has been my understanding that on this realm, in the Hall of Records there is a volume, a Book of Life that contains our souls progress since inception.  “Wow, cool, very cool if that is the case, where do I go to read it?   How do I access this magnificent document”?  The Akashic Records are primordial substance it is the realm where all souls information is contained.   It is past, present and the possibility of the unfoldment of future events.  I was taught to open my Akashic Records and it has been the most valuable spiritual tool that I have had in the past ten years.  Going back to Scott Gardner’s information, tells me that all accumulated knowledge will be old or obsolete with the planetary acceleration we are experiencing; though my need for validation and personal knowledge will continue.   One thing I do know “universal laws are constant”. The Akashic Records are constant.   My spirituality is constant, and that I will continue seeking for Truth and personal knowledge."


The Akashic Records Are Primordial Substance...

 “I have learned over the past 10 to 12 years to fully trust the information that I receive from the Akashic Records, as this information and energy has changed my life and has given me direction from a source of incredible love and wisdom.   So the question for some of you is what are the Akashic Records?   Where are they?   How do we access them, and what kind of information is available to us?    The Akashic Records are the recordings of one’s Soul’s experiences since inception. It is its past, present, and the possibility of its unfoldment in the future events.

In Sanskrit Akasha is translated as primordial substance, that out of which everything is formed.”



Still your mind in me, still yourself in me, and without a doubt you shall be united

       with me, Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.

- Bhagavad Gita


      Next: Page VII, Quotes on the Akashic Record II



Helena P.





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