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The words of the Master Koot Hoomi in “The Mahatma Letters” that:
“The One reality is Mulaprakriti (undifferentiated Substance) – the ‘Rootless root’,”
and HPB’s own emphatic spoken words transcribed in “The Secret Doctrine
Commentaries” that “Akasha is a perfectly homogeneous thing. It is the rootless
root of all, it is Mulaprakriti, it is the rootless root of Nature, that which is perfectly
unknown to us,” and the matter is solved, it becoming perfectly clear that according
to the Esoteric Doctrine of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood, Akasha, Mulaprakriti,
Svabhavat, Parabrahm, and Brahman are all one and the same “Thing.”
Master Koot Hoomi also describes every objectively manifested being and thing as “Children of the Akasha.”
Children of Akasha, concrete evolutions from the ether, it was force which brought them into perceptibility and Force will in time remove them from the sight of man.”
William Quan Judge:
“The divisions of the sevenfold universe may be laid down roughly as: The Absolute,
Spirit, Mind, Matter, Will, Akasha or Aether, and Life. In place of “the Absolute” we
can use the word Space. For Space is that which ever is, and in which all
manifestation must take place. The term Akasha, taken from the Sanskrit, is used
in place of Aether, because the English language has not yet evolved a word to
properly designate that tenuous state of matter which is now sometimes called Ether
by modern scientists.
“The first differentiation – speaking metaphysically as to time – is Spirit, with which appears Matter and Mind. Akasha is produced from Matter and Spirit, Will is the force of Spirit in action and Life is a resultant of the action of Akasha, moved by Spirit, upon Matter.
"Theosophy also teaches the existence of a universal diffused and highly ethereal medium, which has been called the “Astral Light” and “Akasha.” It is the repository of all past, present, and future events, and in it are recorded the effects of spiritual causes, and of all acts and thoughts from the direction of either spirit or matter. It may be called the Book of the Recording Angel. “Akasha, however, is a misnomer when it is confused with Ether or the Astral Light of the Kabbalists. Akasha is the noumenon of the phenomenal Ether or Astral Light proper, for Akasha is infinite, impartite, intangible, its only production being Sound. “And this Astral Light is material and not spirit. It is, in fact, the lower principle of that cosmic body of which Akasha is the highest. It has the power of retaining all images. This includes a statement that each thought as well as word and act makes an image there. …the Sages, Mahatmas, and the Adepts of the good law, make only such pictures as are in accordance with Divine law, because they control the production of their thought. In the Astral Light are all the differentiated sounds as well.
The elementals are energic centers in it. The shades of departed human beings and animals are also there. Hence, any seer or entranced person can see in it all that anyone has done or said, as well as that which has happened to anyone with whom he is connected. … “In the Kali-Yuga we are hyponotized by the effect of the immense body of images in the Astral Light, compounded of all the deeds, thoughts, and so forth of our ancestors, whose lives tended in a material direction. These images influence the inner man – who is conscious of them – by suggestion. In a brighter age the influence of such images would be towards Truth. The effect of the Astral Light, as thus molded and painted by us, will remain so long as we continue to place those images there, and it thus becomes our judge and our executioner.” – William Quan Judge, An Epitome of Theosophy
Levi H. Dowling In Dowlings book "The Aquarian Gospel" he makes the following
claims, among others:
The revelation of the Aquarian Gospel was prophesied 2000 years ago by Elihu,
who conducted a school of the prophets in Zoan, Egypt. He said thus: "This age will
comprehend but little of the works of Purity and Love; but not a word is lost, for in
the Book of God's Remembrance a registry is made of every thought and word
and deed. And When The world is ready to receive, lo, God will send a messenger
to open up the book and copy from its sacred pages all the messages of Purity and Love".
- Aquarian Gospel 7:25-26
"Akasha is a Sanskrit word, and means primary substance, that out of which all things are formed. . . . It is the first stage of the crystallization of spirit. . . . This Akashic, or primary substance, is of exquisite fineness and is so sensitive that the slightest vibrations of an ether any place in the Universe register an indelible impression upon it."
Little by little, through patience and repeated effort,
the mind will become stilled in the Self.
- Bhagavad Gita
Next: Page VIII, Quotes on the Akashic Record III

William Q. Judge
Koot Hoomi

Levi H. Dowling